Phishing Attack Simulator
Informative and engaging phishing simulations provide companies, organisations, and employees training to prevent, detect, and respond to cyberattacks.

Phishing Attack Simulator
The Phishing Attack Simulator allows companies to visualise their employees' resilience against targeted phishing attacks at the team level, conducted in a safe and controlled environment.
The opportunity for companies to test their responses to social engineering attacks is a valuable training method to analyse vulnerabilities in your company and for the long-term protection of sensitive company data and financial assets.

Assessment (Phishing Initial Audit)
To assess your current level of cybersecurity, we use our Phishing Attack Simulator to conduct a Phishing Initial Audit. Through an 9-week awareness campaign, we simulate attacks of varying degrees of difficulty to give you the best possible insight into the current level of security awareness within your company.

Attack Simulation
Our Phishing Attack Simulator allows users to create various customised attack scenarios or access existing industry-specific scenarios from our library. The Phishing Attack Simulator lets you visualise your employees' resilience to phishing attacks at the team level, conducted in a safe and controlled environment. Our simulated social engineering attacks are a valuable training method that also includes the ability to launch vishing, smishing and spear phishing attacks. By undertaking this training, you can analyse immediate vulnerabilities in your security framework and ensure the lasting protection of sensitive company data and financial assets.

The accompanying intelligent reporting tool evaluates the data and provides information on your company's current security status based on our benchmarking system. This makes the level of security awareness measurable. Evaluations are carried out at the team level and not at the level of the individual. Suppose the evaluation campaign highlights deficits in the team and the cybersecurity index does not fall within the green zone. In that case, companies can take appropriate action, particularly awareness training and follow-up campaigns.

Awareness Trainings
Phishing simulations and awareness training go hand in hand to ensure and maintain an appropriate security awareness level throughout any company or organisation. With our full-service awareness platform, we help companies in all industries to develop a robust and effective security strategy for their whole team.

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