Boosting Security Awareness Acceptance

The fact that cybersecurity is playing an increasingly important role in our everyday working lives should be clear to many. Just how important it is to further develop and constantly strengthen this security has to be clearly communicated and implemented. We can help you with some simple measures to increase the acceptance of security awareness in your company.


When It Comes to Cybersecurity, Every Employee Plays a Role

The greatest single vulnerability in information security is the "human element". To prevent valuable customer and company data from being compromised by cyberattacks, employees have to be made aware of exactly this and other issues. It requires regular courses and training to become confident in recognizing and responding properly to attacks. Nine out of 10 cyberattacks start with a phishing email. That's why awareness campaigns with realistic phishing simulations are not only useful, but also necessary to draw attention to the ongoing threats in cyberspace. Awareness campaigns featuring attack simulations and training measures will strengthen your security awareness level in the company in the long term. To help you increase the acceptance of these measures by your employees, we have compiled ten tips for you in one ebook.