Full-Time Pay For Part-Time and Workation: Increase Your Skills Expands New Work
Leipzig, 17th January 2022: The past two years have demanded a lot from employees and employers while at the same time providing valuable insight into the New Work of the future. Tech startup Increase Your Skills is now growing, not only as a security awareness expert, but also as an attractive destination for sought-after digital talent across various fields. After two years of the pandemic, with many working from home and the restrictions of everyday life, the Leipzig-based company wants to set a new stimulus with a 35-hour week and the introduction of workations. With this new perspective, the goal is to loosen up entrenched thought processes to increase the quality of life of each employee, from which the company should also benefit in the long term.
Beach instead of the office – 35 instead of 40 hours: Workation and part-time paid for full-time
Increase Your Skills employees can now work from anywhere in Europe for up to three months of the year and combine their travels with their daily business. This concept offers the opportunity to spend time in other places – with friends, with family – without sacrificing valuable holiday days. The company is also taking a pioneering step further with the abolition of the classic 40-hour week. From now on, the working week will be 35 hours with no change in pay for full-time employees, and part-time employees will receive an increase in pay as a result. With this New Work approach, the company is creating an environment in which current and future employees can develop in the best possible way regarding work-life balance.
A new stimulus for new talent: "35-hour week is a no brainer"
For co-CEO Carolin Andree, it was important to set new initiatives after the demanding period in order to retain employees in the long term and also to inspire new talent: "Healthy, motivated employees are the driving force of every company, certainly of a fast-growing startup. Studies have shown that working hours cannot be linked to productivity. Therefore, it was an absolute 'no brainer' for us to reduce the working hours to 35 hours because this way we meet the needs of our current and prospective talent."